Saturday 5 July 2014

10 Things you can do when you feel down

1. PRAY 
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don't worry but pray about everything! whatever that's making you feel down, worries you, and too heavy a burden for you to carry, pray about it. pray to God, it will make you feel better! and always have a positive attitude, better days are coming! BELIEVE!!!

2. Go Running, Jogging, Exercise, WORK OUT  
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Work out, do yoga, jog, run at the park, dance, zumba, cardio, swimming, cycling, futsal, basketball, anything that can make you sweat!! channel all that stress and that negative thoughts that's making you down by working out!!! you'll feel better! and you'll also be healthy!! 

3. Watch MOVIES 
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what's your favorite movie? horror movie? romantic comedy?action movies? any movie!! watching movie can get your mind off things that makes you feel down, i suggest watching movies that make you laugh. but some prefer movies that make them cry. different people different ways of letting those negative feelings out! watching your favorite movie can help cheer you up!

4.Hang Out with your BEST FRIEND
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having best friends are one of the most wonderful part of our lives!!! hang out with your best friend!! do crazy fun things together, will definitely make you happy!!!

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sing your heart out!!! choose a rock song, sad song, what ever the song is, sing it with all your might!!! it can help release the stress!

6. Take a VACATION
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plan a weekend get-away. take a day or two off from work. go somewhere nice and quiet where you can relax and enjoy. 

7. Get in touch with NATURE
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be in touch with nature. smell the flowers, plant something, go hiking, go for picnic, or go kayaking, canoeing!! get in touch with nature!

8. Play with CHILDREN
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play with your nephew or niece. volunteer to help in environmental education programs, you'll be surprised how calming and fun it would be to play with children, they're amazing!

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cleaning your house, cleaning your room, do your laundry, wash your car, any cleaning activities, will also get your mind off things that's making you feel down, and it gets everything clean too!
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shopping is great!!! buy things that makes you happy, buy a new dress, a new tie, a new cap, a new pants, skirts, whatever it is, shopping will make you happy, make sure not too overspent though! 

There you go!!! 10 things that you can do when you feel down, to make you feel better!!! actually you can do so many things, do things that you like. don't dwell on things that's keeping you down, because that won't do you any good, the best thing to do is, keep calm, take that time out for a while, then you can think more clearly. and the next thing you know, you're up and about again!!! and ready to tackle any challenge!  

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Why Belle Luna???

Belle Luna 

The meaning of the name Belle and Luna itself. Here are the list of many different meanings of this name (^0^)/
The meaning of Belle 
Hungarian Meaning: 
The name Belle is a Hungarian baby name. In Hungarian the meaning of the name Belle is: Intelligent.
American Meaning: 
The name Belle is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Belle is: Intelligent.
English Meaning: 
The name Belle is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Belle is: Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's poem 'Annahel Lee' made the form Annabel popular throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century. The form Annabelle became popular in the mid-2Oth century.
French Meaning: 
The name Belle is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Belle is: Fair. Lovely one. Sometimes used as an independent name associated with the French word belle, meaning beautiful.
German Meaning: 
The name Belle is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Belle is: From the Old German Betlindis, which is derived from the word for snake.
Spanish Meaning: 
The name Belle is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Belle is: Beautiful. : Devoted to God. A Spanish.
Latin Meaning: 
The name Belle is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Belle is: Beautiful. , Annabel, Belinda, or Isabel.
References/ Taken from:

The meaning of Luna 
Latin Meaning: 
The name Luna is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Luna is: The moon. In Mythology Luna is one of the names of Artemis the moon goddess.
American Meaning: 
The name Luna is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Luna is: The moon. In Mythology Luna is one of the names of Artemis the moon goddess.
The Goddess of Moon that is beautiful, intelligent, fair and devoted to God; The Lovely one

Why I choose Belle Luna as my blog name: 

* Its my fantasy name, there's always a name that you like and that u wish your name was, well for me its Belle Luna. don't get me wrong, its not that i don't like my real name, i still love my name haha its just that this is my fantasy/ dream name which i love.

* i love writing. i love expressing my emotions in words... i have so many notebooks, diaries, and etc. and you know writers, they always have their signature name when they wrote a book or something, well this is my name as a writer, Belle Luna

* i love the meaning of the name itself (as stated above). It gives a sense of mystical creature and mystery haha If i were a mystical creature, I mean for example, a vampire, i would want my name to be Belle Luna. hahahaha 

* there's this one album where beyonce tells that she have 2 sides of her, one of them being sweet beyonce, and the other is Sasha Fierce, well i consider the name Belle Luna as my alter ego or something hahaha 

I am Belle Luna


Okinawa is subarashi (excellent) !!!!
Here is some of the reasons why I Love Okinawa!!! 
Reason No.1: GOOD FOOD 
Noodle with Miso Soup

Local Okinawa Sweet made from sugar cane

Local Okinawa Sweet made from potato

Local Okinawa Onigiri

Okinawa have lots and lots of choices of food to choose from, and everything is so delicious! highly recommended to visit Okinawa!!! And i suggest a very good restaurant to go to at Okinawa, the food is nice, the menu is easy to understand, and most importantly, the chef can speak english and very friendly, and ehmm handsome!!!! hahaha

the friendly chef

inside the restaurant

the restaurant


One of the great views at Okinawa

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Yambaru Nature School - river kayak  & sea kayak activities

Ocean near the city

If you love beaches, rivers, canoeing, swimming, big aquariums!!! Okinawa is a must visit!!!

Yuya-san from Yanbaru Nature School

The people are very friendly, every place that we visited, the hospitality was great!!! you can feel the warmth and sincerity of the people and plus very talented too! here's a very short video of one of the canoe instructor playing traditional guitar for me and friends!

Okinawa subarashi!!!! will keep posting!!!! 

Sunday 25 May 2014

Japan I'm in LOVE ~~ JICA Tokyo, Home Away From Home


Welcome To

Tokyo International Centre

Address: Nishihara Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan 

Tadaaaaa ~~~~~ 
Welcome to JICA Tokyo Center. This is the place (one of the places) where I'm staying at for my training at Japan. This center is definitely a " Home Away From Home". We are each given our own room. And i really like the room. Its cozy and comfy. Here are some of the pictures of the room and the facilities that they have at the center. 

The comfy bed

The small fridge and safe box 

The tv, aircond and desk

The balcony ~ my favorite part 

The Laundry Room

The Laundry Room

Recycling corner, vending machine

The water dispenser ( hot/cold) drinkable tap water

Definitely a Home Away From Home!!!!! 

Japan I'm in LOVE ~~ DAY 1


Tokyo, Japan

Who would have thought .. the country that I had always dreamed of to go to since I was little, is now the place where I'm standing at... I'm here... at JAPAN !!!!

Had arrived here since two days ago, and now it's my 3rd day at JAPAN! still... it feels so surreal, like I still can't believe it that I'm here... I reflected my life before I was here, I remembered when my colleague called me and congratulate me and told me, you got selected to go for the JICA training at JAPAN! at that moment, it was like my whole body felt jolted, I can feel my blood rushing all through my body! I answered my colleague calmly, what, wow, Thank you!!! and then after hanging up the phone, I immediately jump!! was extremely excited!!! haha... and that night I prayed and I thank God, for giving me this opportunity.

There was a time in my life, that I felt down, that I felt like this is going to be the end of me, I felt weak, I felt like giving up, like there's no hope left for me, I felt like my walls are crumbling to pieces and I'm just sitting there, lost, not knowing what to do... and that moment, I prayed to God... one of the things that I said to God was, " God... i'm really tired... give me strength to go through all my troubled times and i really wish i could rest from all of this...please give me a vacation or anything, just for me to go away and rest from all these problems, 3 days.. no.. 2 days... wait, even if its just a 30 minutes rest, i would still be extremely grateful... " ...

I was reading my bible one day and I found this verse :

1 Corinthians 2: 9 

“What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”
    the things God has prepared for those who love him

1 Korintus 2: 9 "Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia"

nah... ini sudah terbukti... tidak pernah sa terfikir bahawa saya akan ke Jepun!!!! Tuhan telah menjawab doa ku, dia mengatakan iya, aku akan memberimu percutian,aku akan memberimu istirehat, dan dia menghantar saya ke Jepun. haha

God has answered my prayer, he said, I will give you rest, but not just any rest, I'll send you to Japan, not for a day or two, but for 2 months!!! Praise be to God... it have never crossed my mind that i'll get selected to go to Japan... I consider myself very lucky... all expenses are covered... and i get to travel all around Japan throughout this training course! and the timing was perfect... my life before was going downwards, everything doesn't seem to work out for me, there is not a single day that went by without problems.. everyday was a struggle for me.. but through all those troubled times, I stand firm, I believe that even if things don't look good now, God have great plans for me, and i continue to pray, i went to God whenever i feel down, sad, feeling negative, and he lifted me back up through the simplest of things but very great meaning and impact...God save me... every time.. all the time...despite all my sins... even at my darkest hours... even at my worst... he accepted me, he hugged me and welcomed me with open arms.. and i feel the love... and this trip to Japan, to some it might just be an ordinary circumstance, but to me it have a deeper and much greater meaning.. it was God's answer for me.. a gift from God for me... and i will cherish every single moment and will glorify his name in everything that i do... Thank you. and JAPAN, is amazinggggg!!!!


Narita Tokyo Airport 

Saturday 1 March 2014

Embrace The Place Where You Are

Are you not happy with where you are in life?Are you frustrated because you are not married, or are you upset because somebody is not treating you fairly.. You are constantly worried, trying to reason things out, trying to change things that only GOD can change.

"Why has this happened to me?" 

Consequently, we live with unrest and uneasiness on the inside.

Learn to relax and accept the place where you are. It might not be a great place right now. We all have things we want to see changed, things we want to happen sooner.

If we really believe that GOD is in control and is directing our steps, then we must believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We needn't be wrestling with life and resisting our circumstances all the time.

Turn everything over to GOD. 

"GOD, I'm trusting You, I know that You are in control of my life. I may not understand everything that is happening, but I believe You have my best interests at heart. I'm not going to go around resisting and struggling. I'm going to relax and enjoy my life. 


If you are truly trusting him, if you believe he is in control, then wherever you are, in either good circumstances or bad, that is where you are supposed to be.

God promised that He will use the difficulties to do work for you. What we are facing might not be good, but if we keep the right attitude, He'll use it for your good.

"GOD, not my will but yours be done!" 

Romans 8:28: " All things work together for good to those who love God." 

Stay in an attitude of faith, and GOD will cause every situation to work for your good.

Faith don't always deliver you, but it always carries you through.

Embrace the place where you are...


Quoted from the book written by Joel Osteen, "Become A Better You, 7 keys to Improving your life every day"

Friday 28 February 2014

A Letter To Myself

Dear Belle,

Its been long since I wrote to u.. How are ya doing? How's life?
I know right now u're going through some big storms in your life.. I know u sometimes feel like giving up, u feel weak, u feel like u're not good enough, u feel like your life is never going to change, u feel lost, but my dear Belle, it's time to stop thinking negative!!!

I say we change our ways of thinking! I say we start thinking positive! I say we focus on good things instead of the bad! I say we count our blessings instead of the troubles!!!

See ~~ even saying all this positive words makes you feel better right?

My dear Belle,
u are special, u are beautiful, u are kind and loving, u are smart, u are funny and sweet, u are strong, u are fun, u are talented, u are a fighter, committed, highly motivated, fierce and bad ass!!!

u are a great daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, companion, worker, leader, and most important of them all,

Be thankful for everything that you have everyday! Pray when you feel lost, Pray when u're worried, Pray when u feel weak, Pray when u feel like giving up, Pray when u're about to start thinking negative. Pray always, Pray anywhere, Pray for everything...

My dear Belle,

know that you are always loved by everyone especially GOD and ME... (^-^)v

" Apa yang sedang aku alami hari ini, seringkali membuatku berfikir betapa besarnya bebanku, betapa beratnya pergumulanku, tapi saat ini engkau datang Tuhan, dan berkata bukan itu yang harus kau fikirkan, tetapi fikirkanlah dengan siapa engkau berjalan, kepada siapa engkau berharap, kerna aku Tuhan yang mampu melakukan segala perkara..."

Be Strong, Be At Peace, Be Happy, Be Thankful, Be Blessed!!!!!!