Saturday 1 March 2014

Embrace The Place Where You Are

Are you not happy with where you are in life?Are you frustrated because you are not married, or are you upset because somebody is not treating you fairly.. You are constantly worried, trying to reason things out, trying to change things that only GOD can change.

"Why has this happened to me?" 

Consequently, we live with unrest and uneasiness on the inside.

Learn to relax and accept the place where you are. It might not be a great place right now. We all have things we want to see changed, things we want to happen sooner.

If we really believe that GOD is in control and is directing our steps, then we must believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We needn't be wrestling with life and resisting our circumstances all the time.

Turn everything over to GOD. 

"GOD, I'm trusting You, I know that You are in control of my life. I may not understand everything that is happening, but I believe You have my best interests at heart. I'm not going to go around resisting and struggling. I'm going to relax and enjoy my life. 


If you are truly trusting him, if you believe he is in control, then wherever you are, in either good circumstances or bad, that is where you are supposed to be.

God promised that He will use the difficulties to do work for you. What we are facing might not be good, but if we keep the right attitude, He'll use it for your good.

"GOD, not my will but yours be done!" 

Romans 8:28: " All things work together for good to those who love God." 

Stay in an attitude of faith, and GOD will cause every situation to work for your good.

Faith don't always deliver you, but it always carries you through.

Embrace the place where you are...


Quoted from the book written by Joel Osteen, "Become A Better You, 7 keys to Improving your life every day"

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