Friday 28 February 2014

A Letter To Myself

Dear Belle,

Its been long since I wrote to u.. How are ya doing? How's life?
I know right now u're going through some big storms in your life.. I know u sometimes feel like giving up, u feel weak, u feel like u're not good enough, u feel like your life is never going to change, u feel lost, but my dear Belle, it's time to stop thinking negative!!!

I say we change our ways of thinking! I say we start thinking positive! I say we focus on good things instead of the bad! I say we count our blessings instead of the troubles!!!

See ~~ even saying all this positive words makes you feel better right?

My dear Belle,
u are special, u are beautiful, u are kind and loving, u are smart, u are funny and sweet, u are strong, u are fun, u are talented, u are a fighter, committed, highly motivated, fierce and bad ass!!!

u are a great daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, companion, worker, leader, and most important of them all,

Be thankful for everything that you have everyday! Pray when you feel lost, Pray when u're worried, Pray when u feel weak, Pray when u feel like giving up, Pray when u're about to start thinking negative. Pray always, Pray anywhere, Pray for everything...

My dear Belle,

know that you are always loved by everyone especially GOD and ME... (^-^)v

" Apa yang sedang aku alami hari ini, seringkali membuatku berfikir betapa besarnya bebanku, betapa beratnya pergumulanku, tapi saat ini engkau datang Tuhan, dan berkata bukan itu yang harus kau fikirkan, tetapi fikirkanlah dengan siapa engkau berjalan, kepada siapa engkau berharap, kerna aku Tuhan yang mampu melakukan segala perkara..."

Be Strong, Be At Peace, Be Happy, Be Thankful, Be Blessed!!!!!!

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