Saturday 5 July 2014

10 Things you can do when you feel down

1. PRAY 
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don't worry but pray about everything! whatever that's making you feel down, worries you, and too heavy a burden for you to carry, pray about it. pray to God, it will make you feel better! and always have a positive attitude, better days are coming! BELIEVE!!!

2. Go Running, Jogging, Exercise, WORK OUT  
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Work out, do yoga, jog, run at the park, dance, zumba, cardio, swimming, cycling, futsal, basketball, anything that can make you sweat!! channel all that stress and that negative thoughts that's making you down by working out!!! you'll feel better! and you'll also be healthy!! 

3. Watch MOVIES 
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what's your favorite movie? horror movie? romantic comedy?action movies? any movie!! watching movie can get your mind off things that makes you feel down, i suggest watching movies that make you laugh. but some prefer movies that make them cry. different people different ways of letting those negative feelings out! watching your favorite movie can help cheer you up!

4.Hang Out with your BEST FRIEND
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having best friends are one of the most wonderful part of our lives!!! hang out with your best friend!! do crazy fun things together, will definitely make you happy!!!

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sing your heart out!!! choose a rock song, sad song, what ever the song is, sing it with all your might!!! it can help release the stress!

6. Take a VACATION
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plan a weekend get-away. take a day or two off from work. go somewhere nice and quiet where you can relax and enjoy. 

7. Get in touch with NATURE
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be in touch with nature. smell the flowers, plant something, go hiking, go for picnic, or go kayaking, canoeing!! get in touch with nature!

8. Play with CHILDREN
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play with your nephew or niece. volunteer to help in environmental education programs, you'll be surprised how calming and fun it would be to play with children, they're amazing!

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cleaning your house, cleaning your room, do your laundry, wash your car, any cleaning activities, will also get your mind off things that's making you feel down, and it gets everything clean too!
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shopping is great!!! buy things that makes you happy, buy a new dress, a new tie, a new cap, a new pants, skirts, whatever it is, shopping will make you happy, make sure not too overspent though! 

There you go!!! 10 things that you can do when you feel down, to make you feel better!!! actually you can do so many things, do things that you like. don't dwell on things that's keeping you down, because that won't do you any good, the best thing to do is, keep calm, take that time out for a while, then you can think more clearly. and the next thing you know, you're up and about again!!! and ready to tackle any challenge!  

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